Chart / Chart Panels / Axes / Common Settings / Sections
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    In This Topic

    Axis sections allow you highlight a range on the scale and the chart walls. They also allow you to change the appearance of scale decorations such as ticks, labels and gridlines if they fall in the range highlighted by the section. You can add an arbitrary number of sections to the axis by pressing the "Add" button, below the sections list box. The following settings are available per axis section:


    Depending on the axis type the following options are available:

    - Cartesian Y Axes

    - Show At Back - defines whether the section must appear on the back chart wall.

    - Show At Side - defines whether the section must appear on the side chart wall. This setting is ignored when the chart is operating in 2D mode.

    - Cartesian X Axis

    - Show At Back - defines whether the section must appear on the back chart wall.

    - Show At Floor - defines whether the section must appear on the floor chart wall. This setting is ignored when the chart is operating in 2D mode.

    - Cartesian Depth Axis

    - Show At Side - defines whether the section must appear on the side chart wall. This setting is ignored when the chart is operating in 2D mode.

    - Show At Floor - defines whether the section must appear on the floor chart wall. This setting is ignored when the chart is operating in 2D mode.

    - Polar / Radar Axis

    - Show - defines whether the section must appear on the chart polar / radar plot area.



    Begin - controls the begin value of the section. You can enter a numeric / date time value, which will be parsed according to the current culture settings.

    End - controls the end value of the section. You can enter a numeric / date time value, which will be parsed according to the current culture settings.

    You must specify both begin and end value in order for the section to be valid, otherwise it is ignored.

    Fill Style - invokes the fill style dialog allowing you to modify the filling of the stripe.

    Label Text Style - invokes the text style dialog allowing you to modify the appearance of axis labels if they fall inside the specified range.

    Major Gridline Stroke Style - invokes the stroke style dialog allowing you to modify the appearance of major gridlines if they fall inside the specified range.

    Minor Gridline Stroke Style - invokes the stroke style dialog allowing you to modify the appearance of minor gridlines if they fall inside the specified range.

    Major Tick Stroke Style - invokes the stroke style dialog allowing you to modify the appearance of major ticks if they fall inside the specified range.

    Minor Tick Stroke Style- invokes the stroke style dialog allowing you to modify the appearance of minor ticks if they fall inside the specified range.