Chart / Chart Panels / Charting Types / Box And Whiskers Chart
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    Box And Whiskers Chart
    In This Topic

    Box and Whiskers plots are very helpful in interpreting the distribution of data. Each box and whiskers item represents a set of values and displays statistical information like minimum, maximum and median values, upper and lower quartiles and optionally a mean value. This charting type is available in 2D mode only.


    Sub Type - the following table summarizes the different subtypes of the error bar chart:

    Subtype X Dimension Type Z Dimension Type Data Requirements Settings
    Series Categorical Categorical

    Upper Box
    Lower Box

    Upper Whisker
    Lower Whisker


    The X value of each item will be automatically determined by the control.

    XY Scatter Numeric Categorical


    Upper Box
    Lower Box

    Upper Whisker
    Lower Whisker



    Each Box and Whisker data point can have arbitrary X value allowing you to display scatter Box and Whiskers charts.

     Whiskers Width Percent - defines the width of the whiskers in percentages relative to the box width. When the chart type is in Series mode the box width is automatically defined. In XY Scatter mode the box width is controlled through the Box Width setting.

    Box Width Percent - defines the width of the box in percentages relative to the box width. When the chart type is in Series mode the box width is automatically defined. In XY Scatter mode the box width is controlled through the Box Width setting.

    Box Width - controls the box width when the chart type is XY Scatter mode.

     Automatic Data Labels Positioning
    The automatic positioning of data labels is the data point center.
     Automatic Legend Mode
    The automatic legend mode in all subtypes evaluates to series (e.g. the series is displayed in the legend).