Chart / Data Model / Values Data Groupings / Data Point Formatting Commands
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    Data Point Formatting Commands
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    You can use formatting commands in the Format setting of the values data groupings data labels and legend settings. Formatting commands are tags, which are evaluated by Nevron Chart for Reporting Services for each data point that is displayed by the series. Following is a list of the formatting commands that you can use:

    Command Applies to Description
    <value> All data points Shows the primary value of the data point.
    <label> All data points Shows the label of the data point.
    <index> All data points Shows the index of the data point
    <xvalue> XY scatters Shows the X value of the data point. Applicable to all XY scatters.
    <zvalue> XYZ scatters Shows the Z value of the data point. Applicable to all XYZ scatters.


    <total> Stacks Shows the total sum of the values in a stack.
    <percent> Stacks Shows the percent contribution of a stacked data point to the stack total.
    <cumulative> Stacks Shows the current sum of the stacked data points to the data point.

    High Low Charts

    <high_value> High-Low charts (series) Shows the high value of the high-low data point.
    <low_value> High-Low charts (series) Shows the low value of the high-low data point.
    <high_label> High-Low charts (series) Shows the high label value for high data points. For low data points evaluates to an empty string.
    <low_label> High-Low charts (series) Shows the low label value for low data points. For high data points evaluates to an empty string.

    Bubble Charts

    <size> Bubble charts (series) Shows the size value of the bubble data point.

    Float Bar Charts

    <begin> Float bar charts (series) Shows the begin value of the float bar data point.
    <end> Float bar charts (series) Shows the end value of the float bar data point.

    Polar Charts

    <angle_in_degrees> Polar charts Shows the angle value of the polar data point in degrees.
    <angle_in_radians> Polar charts Shows the angle value of the polar data point in radians.

    Stock Charts (Series)

    <open> Stock charts (series) Shows the open value of the stock data point.
    <high> Stock charts (series) Shows the high value of the stock data point.
    <low> Stock charts (series) Shows the low value of the stock data point.
    <close> Stock charts (series) Shows the close value of the stock data point.
    <up_label> Stock charts (series) Shows the Up Label for up data point. For down data points evaluates to an empty string.
    <down_label> Stock charts (series) Shows the Down Label for down data point. For up data points evaluates to an empty string.

    Surface Charts

    <zone_value> Surface Chart Shows the palette zone value. Applicable when Smooth Palette is set to true.
    <zone_begin> Surface Chart Shows the palette zone begin value. Applicable when Smooth Palette is set to false.
    <zone_end> Surface Chart Shows the palette zone end value. Applicable when Smooth Palette is set to false.
    <xindex> Surface Chart - Mesh or Grid subtype Shows the x index of the data point in the base grid.
    <zindex> Surface Chart - Mesh or Grid subtype Shows the z index of the data point in the base grid.