A radial gauge displays axes, pointers and ranges in a circular (polar) fashion. Following is a description of the radial gauge settings:
Sub Type - specifies a predefined radial gauge. The following table summarizes the relationship between the subtype and the begin angle, sweep angle and border shape of the gauge:
Subtype | Begin Angle | Sweep Angle |
Radial | 100 | 340 |
QuarterNorthEast | 270 | 90 |
QuarterNorthWest | 180 | 90 |
QuarterSouthWest | 90 | 90 |
QuarterSouthEast | 0 | 90 |
HalfNorth | 180 | 180 |
HalfSouth | 180 | -180 |
HalfWest | 90 | 180 |
HalfEast | 90 | -180 |
Custom | User Specified | User Specified |
Begin Angle - defines the begin angle of the radial gauge (only visible when Sub Type is Custom)
Sweep Angle - defines the sweep angle of the radial gauge (only visible when Sub Type is Custom)
Cap - the properties contained in this group define the appearance of the radial gauge cap
Width - controls the width of the cap
Height - controls the height of the cap
Fill Style - controls the cap filling.
Stroke Style - controls the cap outline.
Shadow Style - controls the cap shadow.