Chart / Chart Panels / Charting Types / Value Palette Settings
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    Value Palette Settings
    In This Topic

    Many charts types allow you to assign a palette of colors from which individual data points fillings are computed based on their value. This is very useful if you need to color code data points depending on their value, display heat maps, terrains with color coded elevation etc. The charting types that currently support this feature are Bar, Area, Smooth Area, Float Bar, Heatmap, High Low and Surface. The value palette settings are accessible from the "Palette" tab in the chart type editor. The following paragraphs discuss the settings of this object.


    Use Palette - whether the chart type should use a palette filling instead of the standard filling defined by the current chart appearance settings. The Heatmap and Surface chart types always use a palette filling.

    Smooth Palette - whether to smooth(interpolate) the colors palette.

    Use Min Max - whether to use the Min Value and Max Value properties in order to specify a range of values to which the palette applies or use automatically computed range.

    Min Value - the minimum of the palette range.

    Max Value - the maximum of the palette range.

    Color Mode - controls the way in which palette colors are computed. Possible values are:

    Min Max - in this mode the palette is computed based on two colors. The first one is mapped to the palette range minimum value and the second one is mapped to the palette maximum range value.
    Auto - the palette colors are automatically computed based on a user specified number of colors or automatically computed based on the number of major ticks of the axis on which the palette scales.

    Steps - controls the number of entries in the automatically computed palette.

    Synchronize With Scale - the number of entries in the automatically computed palette is synchronized with the major ticks of the axis on which the palette scales.