In This Topic
A heat map is a 2D representation of data where the individual values are contained in a matrix and are represented as colors, which are taken from an associated palette. Heatmap charts are only displayed in 2D mode.
Multiple series are not supported by heatmap charts. That is why only one series is created, which takes the properties of the first values data grouping displayed in the Heatmap Chart area. To show a Heatmap chart you typically create a series data grouping.
Additional series add depth to the heatmap base grid. Following is a description of the heatmap chart settings:
X Values Mode - defines the mode in which the x values of the heat map are computed. Possible values are:
Natural- the x values of the heatmap grid are computed as natural numbers starting from 0 with step 1
Origin And Step - the x values of the heatmap grid are computed using the following formula - x_value = x_index * XStep + XOrigin
X Step - controls the distance(step) between heat map surface cells when the X Values Mode is set to Origin And Step.
X Origin - controls the x origin value of the heat map grid.
Y Values Mode - defines the mode in which the y values of the heat map are computed. The possible values are the same as in the X Values Mode setting.
Y Step - controls the distance(step) between heat map surface cells when the y values mode is set to Origin And Step.
Y Origin - controls the y origin value of the heat map grid.
Contour Display Mode - controls the way in which contour values are visualized. Possible values are:
None - the heatmap does not display contours.
Dots - contour values are displayed as dots (with controllable color and size).
Contour - contour values are displayed as contour lines.
Contour Color Mode - controls the way in which contour lines or dots are colored. Possible values are:
Uniform - the contour lines or dots are displayed with a single color / stroke which is specified from the Contour Stroke Style setting.
Palette - the contour lines or dots are displayed with the color corresponding to the the contour value as specified from the attached palette.
Contour Stroke Style - controls the stroke style of contour lines. This setting has effect when Contour Display Mode is set to Contour.
Contour Dot Size - controls the size of the contour dots. This setting has effect when Contour Display Mode is set to Dots.
Show Contour Labels - whether contour lines should be annotated.
Contour Label Distance - the distance between labels on the contour (specified in points).
Clip Contour - whether the label should clip the generated contour lines.
Allow Label to Flip - whether the label is allowed to flip (e.g. have non left to right reading direction).
Contour Label Format - the format string used for contour labels.
Contour Label Text Style - the text style of contour labels.
The settings in this tab are described in the
Value Palette Settings topic.