Chart / Chart Panels / Charting Types / Series Types / High Low Series
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    High Low Series
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    High-Low series are created for values data groupings displayed in combo charts, by setting the Series Type to High Low


    High-Low series have the following options:

    Depth Percent - defines the depth of the high-low area in percents of the series size along the depth axis. 

    Drop Lines - specifies whether the high-low area segments must be divided by vertical lines. 

    High Label - defines the label, which is associated with data points for which the high value is larger than the low value. See Data Point Formatting Commands for more information. 

    Low Label - defines the label, which is associated with data points for which the high value is smaller than the low value. See Data Point Formatting Commands for more information. 

    High Fill Style - controls the filling of the areas for which the high ending value is larger than the low ending value. 

    High Border Style - controls the border of the areas for which the high ending value is larger than the low ending value. 

    Low Fill Style - controls the filling of the areas for which the high ending value is smaller than the low ending value. 

    Low Border Style - controls the border of the areas for which the high ending value is smaller than the low ending value.

     Data Requirements

    High-low series always support the High, Low and Label data point values. If the Combo Chart Subtype is set to XY Scatter, the High-low series will accept a X data point value.

    See Also