Chart / Chart Panels / Charting Types / Pie Chart
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    Pie Chart
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    A Pie Chart is a circular chart divided into sectors, where the arc length of each sector is proportional to the quantity it represents. Multiple series are not supported by pie charts. That is why only one series is created which takes the properties of the first values data grouping displayed in the Pie Chart chart area. Additional series just append values to this series. Each data point supports a Value and a Label value. Following is a description of the pie chart settings:


    The settings of the pie chart are divided in two tabs - General and Others Group.

    General Tab 

    The general settings control the overall appearance and labeling of the pie chart. Following are the options:

    Shape - defines the shape of each sector. Possible values are: Pie,  Torus, Smooth Edge Pie, Cut Edge Pie, Ring, Smooth Edge Ring and Cut Edge Ring.

    Edge Percent - defines the size of the edge for smooth and cut edge shapes.

    Inner Radius Percent - defines the size of the inner radius as percent of the outer radius for torus and ring shapes. 

    Label Mode - defines the labeling method used to annotate the data points. Possible values are:

        Center - places data labels in the center of the sector.
        Rim - places data labels at equally spaced distances along the sectors rims.
        Spider - places data labels symmetrically in left and right aligned columns.
        Spider No Overlap - similar to spider but resolves any data labels overlaps.

    Begin Angle - controls the begin angle of the pie in degrees, counter clock wise.

    Sweep Angle - controls the sweep angle of the pie in degrees, clock wise.

    Others Group Tab

    The pie chart can automatically group small pie slices into a single pie, which is usually labeled as the "Others" pie slice. This increases the overall readability of the pie chart. Following are the Others Group options:

    Others Group Mode - defines the mode in which the "Others" pie slice is created. Possible values are:

        None - the Others pie slice is not created.
        Below Value -  the Others pie slice is created as the cumulative slice of all slices whose value is below the value specified by the Below Value setting.
        Below Percent - the Others pie slice is created as the cumulative slice of all slices whose percent contribution to the total is below the value specified by the Below Percent setting.

    Below Value - controls the threshold value below which pie slices are grouped in the Others pie slice. Only applicable if Others Group Mode is set to Below Value.

    Below Percent - controls the threshold percent below which pie slices are grouped in the Others pie slice. Only applicable if Others Group Mode is set to Below Percent.

    Label - controls the label of the Others pie slice. By default set to "Others".

    Fill Style - controls the filling the "Others" pie slice.

    Border Style - controls the border of the "Others" pie slice.

     Automatic Data Labels Positioning
    The automatic positioning of data labels in pie charts is simply ignored because there is a specialized pie label method.
     Automatic Legend Mode
    The automatic legend mode evaluates to data points (e.g. the series data points are displayed in the legend).